Sunday, June 6, 2010

Benefits of implementing 5S

5S is and should be more than just housekeeping, it is a part of total lean strategy. This is because many of the benefits are systemic in nature, they cannot be just evaluated in isolation from other elements of lean. However 5S is a fundamental lean tool and should be the 1st step in any organization's lean journey.

Implementing 5S methods in the plant would help the company to reduce waste hidden in the plant, improve the levels of quality and safety, reduce the lead time and cost, and thus, increase company's profit.

Measurable benefits of 5S
1.) Safety - A 5S workplace typically will result in reduced acute injuries by up to 70%.
2.) Space - An organized workplace will result in significant(10-50%) space savings. This space could be used to produce other products or leased out to other companies.
3.) Wasted motion - Again due to an organized and visual work place can reduce walk times and improve productivity
4.) Morale - Pride and morale are notoriously difficult to measure but critically important. While there are survey tools for such measurement, they are time-consuming. The practical effects are seen primarily in absenteeism, turnover and productivity.
5.) Kaizen mind - The rigor, discipline and analysis inherent in 5S can contribute to the development of the "Kaizen Mind." This is a culturally induced attitude of constantly looking for and implementing improvement, particularly at the level of an individual worker or a work team. For more on this see "The DNA of Toyota" and Quick & Easy Kaizen. One way to measure this is with the number of suggestions per employee.

For more information on how to implement visit